I had written this last fall after my grandma, my Gigi passed away. It has been a reminder to me that though she may be gone physically, she is still teaching me many lessons. If you’d like to read my tribute to my Gigi, you can find that HERE.
My Gig, she was a woman of tenacity and grit no doubt. She didn’t necessarily own extravagant things, and in her lifetime she didn’t necessarily even travel to what one might consider extravagant places.
But what she did have, what she did create were extravagant relationships.
During this time of pandemic, we find ourselves limited, halted in the pursuit of the bigger and better experiences. We’re limited on travel and with the repercussions to the economy, we’re even halted in thinking about investing in items that are not deemed a necessity.
However, God has shown me through my Gigi’s legacy, and continues to illuminate to me through this unprecedented event, the importance of relationship. Of the real, genuine, nitty gritty relationship. A popular mantra in our society today is “Collect memories not things” and I stand with that but also, I want to take it a step further. Because, her life showed me that even memories, those extravagant memories we so long to create, even those tend to fade.
But what lasts forever and what God has impressed on my heart is that it’s our relationships that last. First and foremost with our Savior Jesus Christ – our eternal relationship with him will never end. Then, with our family and our friends. Those relationships are where life is at in it’s fullest abundance.
It is in community and relationships we find meaning and peace in the midst of pandemic. I encourage you, and I’m encouraging myself to lean in here. Focus now, on what matters most. That is, our eternal relationship with Jesus Christ where we can forever anchor our heart and our hope. And in those around us, our family, friends and neighbors. May we all love well today and always.
Love God, Love People.

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