I’ve been thinking a lot lately about fruitfulness vs. happiness and how they don’t necessarily go hand in hand.
We see a lot of #thehappynow hashtag trending on social media and that’s not wrong. But what about when the path we’re on isn’t necessarily happy, but it’s fruitful?
I have been in a season the past few months, one circumstance I’m in doesn’t make me super happy, but I know it will make me fruitful. So, I endure. I persevere the very best I can. Put in that hard work, and truthfully, amongst the struggle, I find deep joy.
As I studied 1 Thessalonians recently, Paul reminded these new believers that it is with great joy we endure, for JOY comes from the Holy Spirit. Which is far greater, much more deep than any momentary #Thehappynow. It is JOY from the Holy Spirit that guides, strengthens and perseveres!
He (Paul) also prayed for the “blessing” of sanctification in these believers, and I sort of could have done without that. Because, sanctification and fruitfulness – those do go hand in hand. But let’s be honest, sanctification is not apart of the #thehappynow. It’s been a great reminder for me as I press on, that it is not always our happiness that equates fruitfulness.
My joy comes from the Lord.
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