You. Are. Enough.
But what if you’re not.
We hear that phrase so much these days, and I understand the sentiment behind it, I do. But here is a pretty unpopular truth, we’re not enough. We really nevere will be.
So what about this, what if we’re not enough and that’s just fine! That’s actually more than fine, in fact, it’s great!
Because here’s the deal, you were never asked to be enough and everything. Trying to be saying you are is unrealistic and potentially stifling to The One who is. I know I fall short every day. There is not one day that passes that I don’t need the Grace of God to fill in the cracks of my shortcomings. To fill in my darkness with His ever-present light and goodness. So how about this, instead, find freedom in admitting to the fact that we’ll never have it all together, be all the things, all the time and we’ll never – without Jesus Christ – be enough, and that is ok!
I’m not enough, you’re not enough and that is freaking great! Let His Grace be sufficient, because truth is, the real truth, is that His grace and goodness is MORE than enough.
We all fall short of the glory of God. In our weakness we’re made strong.
My grace is sufficient for you, my power made perfect in weakness. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 1 Corinthians 12:19.

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