Though there are many, let’s discuss three characteristics of the Holy Spirit you may not be aware of! The Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity and often somewhat forgotten. This isn’t intentional but it’s certainly a challenge to wrap our minds around the Holy Spirit. That being said, the best way to get to know someone is to spend time with them. Let’s discuss three characteristics of the Holy Spirit you may or may not know! I pray it bring you to further worship the Triune God.
Holy Spirit as Rauch Elohim
This is one name of the Holy Spirit and it literally means “the breath that gives life”. This is seen in the creation narrative. Particularly in Genesis 1:2 we see that “the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters”
Another beautiful example of this is in Ezekiel 37. The Holy Spirit gives life to dry bones through his breath.
“This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones; “I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ezekiel 37:5
The Holy Spirit breathes life and God is intimately involved with His creation. Through the Spirit God is Ruah Elohim; the giver and the sustainer of life. If you’re in need today, know that you can pray to the Holy Spirit, asking for new life to be breathed into your very being!

Holy Spirit as Counselor & Comforter
Jesus was the mediator of the Spirit and “went away” so that the Counselor could come (John 16:7). Through the death and resurrection of Jesus we now see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all who believe (see John 7:39 & Acts 2:33).
The Holy Spirit guides us as he dwells within us. This is the way in which the promise of the Lord to be with us always is fulfilled (Matt. 28:20) and guides us in the Lord’s instruction and truth (John 16:12-15). This ability to be filled with the Holy Spirit then allows us to be “walk in the Spirit”
The Holy Spirit comforts us. This may be the characteristic of the Holy Spirit you’re most familiar with. It’s the most commonly taught aspect and it’s a beautiful one! The reason the Holy Spirit comforts us is because through the Holy Spirit we are always able to be in the presence of the Lord, something new to the New Covenant. Because Jesus Christ died, rose again and “went away”
we are able to have the Spirit with us always, thus then, we are always able to be in the presence of the Lord, of love and peace. (Romans 8:16-17)
Holy Spirit as HOPE
The study of the Holy Spirit should arise in us comfort peace and immense HOPE! This may be one of the 3 characteristics of the Holy Spirit you’re least familiar with! I know I was!
Throughout the Bible we can see the Holy Spirit calling us into hope. In the Old Testament it was the Holy Spirit who breathed life into creation. It was the Holy Spirit who set expectations of a coming Messiah (Jeremiah 31, Ezekeial 36+37). The prophet Isaiah called for a Spirit Bearer to come (Isaiah 11:2,3; 42:2+3). Through the fulfillment of the Messiah (conceived by the Holy Spirit) we are now in the New Age of Christ.
The Holy Spirit calls us forward into HOPE
While the New Age under the New Covenant has begun in Christ, as believers we still have more to look forward to! One day the Holy Spirit, who is our “down payment” (2 Cor. 5 & Eph. 1) our “First Fruits (Romans 8:23) and our Seal (2 Cor. 1:21, 22 + Eph. 4:30) will complete in us salvation. Meaning full redemption over sin and death for those who trust in the Lord as well as full redemption for all of creation.
The Holy Spirit is God’s completer both within us and within the world! He seeks to bring about peace, love and harmony.
I completely understand the there are two sides to the coin when it comes to the Holy Spirit. One being that there is SO much more to the beauty of the Holy Spirit than what it represented in this post. The second being that this can be a challenging (and weird) subject! It’s far easier to relate to God the Father or Jesus the Son, but just because it’s challenging (or weird) doesn’t mean we avoid the topic!
As always this a small introduction, one I pray leads you to HOPE above all else. I hope it helps you love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.
Hear me, Monica on 98.5KTIS
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